In March 2020, everything changed for families, and some were left with little to no options. Like many children worldwide, my daughter’s Ella’s Kindergarten school year was abruptly cut short. When Ella learned that not every child would have the same luxury of toys to play with, she sprung into action. First, she cleaned out her toy chest, putting 80% of her toys in the middle of the room. She decided she would only keep her dollhouse.
Then I enrolled her in Young Mogul Academy, where she took a ten-day virtual boot camp that helps kids launch their businesses. During the boot camp, Ella excelled. She dreamed of giving her dolls to those in need across the world. Her mother decided to purchase 10 Barbies to give away to a shelter for women in California. That’s when Ella’s Dollhouse was born.
Over the next year, we worked to build her brand and accepted opportunities to serve while she learned excellent skills through their digital entrepreneurship classes.
I am thrilled to announce that their yearly Raising a Mogul Conference will be taking place next week. It is the ideal conference for families that are looking to start a brand and a family business. Each month one of the families who’ve completed this program appears on local and national television. Their participation enhances their ability to build successful companies.
Click here to register for this fantastic conference!